Saturday 11 February 2017

Week 5 - Girl Power

Week 5 - Monday 13 to Sunday 19 February

I created this category after we saw Yana Alana. Between the Cracks in 2015. She owned the stage and enthralled everyone in the audience. So, if you’re a woman or want to support women kicking arse, this is the list for you!  

Ladynerd 2: Game Of Nerds, Cabaret, Page 18, The Shambles, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #15, 16-19/2, 6pm, 60 Minutes, $26-$29.50 

The Travelling Sisters, Reviewed, Comedy, Page 77, Noodle Palace, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #1, 14-19/2, 6pm, 60 Minutes, $26  

Naked, Reviewed, Comedy, Page 66, Noodle Palace, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #1, 16-19/2, 810pm, 50 Minutes, $19-$26 

If You’re Not Dancing At The Revolution…Theatre, Page 108, The Blue Room Theatre, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #8, 14-18/2, 9pm, 55 Minutes, $19-$24 

Nikki Britton Is Romanticide, Reviewed, City Of Perth Library, Fringe At Cathedral Square, Map E, Venue #2, 13-18/2, 945pm, 55 Minutes, $16-$23.50