Saturday 28 January 2017

Week 3 - Queer Content

Week 3 - Monday 30 January to Sunday 5 February 

The shows in this section have LGBTI themes.   

Notorious Strumpet & Dangerous Girl, Award Winner, Circus, Page 39, Black Flamingo, The Pleasure Garden, Map B, Venue #2, 31/1, 1-5/2, 7pm, 65 Minutes, $31 

A Night At the Musicals, Award Winner, Cabaret, Page 10, De Parel Spiegeltent, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #20, 31/1, 745pm, 31/1-6/2, 930pm, 70 Minutes, $29-$35 

Mache: Home, Cabaret, Page 18, Circus Theatre, Fringe Central, Map A, Venue #5, 4-7/2, 945pm, 60 Minutes, $21-$26